White spots on Projector display __Location__

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Projector technologies are getting better. The images are becoming brighter, the colours more brilliant. Be it for corporate presentations, teaching tool, home entertainment, and religious events etc, the different technologies behind the making of the machines means that there will always be a perfect match for the situation.

DLP powered projectors are more in the low end to mid-range spectrum of the projectors in the market. Yet, they are popular because they produce clear and crisp images even in the low end range. However, there is a downside. The DLP that powers these are highly susceptible to heat. They start to develop silvery spots after about 4 years of usage. The chip responsible for this can not be repaired. But they can be replaced. Once replaced. The projector is given a new lease of life for another 4 to 5 years.

Service availabilty  __in__ __Town__

  •  12 months warranty on parts and labour
  • No fix – no fee.There is no charge if we cannot repair your projector.
  • Local Drop-off point Nationwide
  • Insured Pick-up and delivery in The UK and Ireland.

Other service include;

  • repair of dimmed, blotches and discolouration of projected display
  • Overheating, noisy and whirring colour wheels
  • Non-booting projectors due to power failure or broken boards
  • and we also sell genuine projector lamps

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